If your document originates from Liechtenstein then it should be legalised by the correct authority where the document was created or issued. For any document issued in Liechtenstein we suggest you try to contact the following apostille authority:

Regierungskanzlei der Fürstlichen Regierung
9490 Vaduz

Telephone: +423 236 60 30
Fax: +423 236 6597
E-mail: info@rk.llv.li
Website: www.rk.llv.li

We are pleased to provide information on countries that are members of the Hague Convention. The contact details we supply are for information only. Our company issues UK apostilles on UK documents. Unfortunately we can not assist with acquiring apostilles from any other country. Please contact the relevant government body or a service provider in the country the document was issued.

Liechtenstein is located in Central Europe. The capital city and largest city of Liechtenstein is Vaduz. The currency used in Liechtenstein is the Swiss Franc. The total population of Liechtenstein is approximately 40 thousand people.