• 09 Feb, 2017
  • Company Documents

Document Legalisation

We can issue the apostille certificate on all UK company documents. Our all inclusive service will ensure your documents are correctly legalised with the apostille so that they will be accepted outside of the UK.

There are many reasons why company documents are legalised:-

  • Buying or Selling goods and services outside of the UK
  • Opening international bank accounts
  • Starting a new company abroad
  • Signing contracts and agreements

We make the apostille service as simple as possible.

For only £94* we arrange for your company document to be solicitor certified and issued with the apostille.

* If you have multiple company documents we can combine these into a set for £130.00. Please contact us for guidance.

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Which company documents can be legalised?

There are hundreds of business documents that may require an apostille certificate but the following list is a sample of popular documents that we process.